Wednesday, October 15, 2008

A little Byorke.

What happens when two totally fucked up artists get together and make a song? Their collective fuckupedness increases exponentially. Such is quite clearly the case with Björk's latest, Nattúra, featuring none other than Radiohead's Thom Yorke. Yorke really only provides background noise, while Björk sings the melody. The songs is nice, if nice is the word you would use to describe a forest burning to the ground. I can't decide whether I like it or not. Needless to say; it's certainly not for everyone. The song will come out next monday, and all proceeds will go to Iceland's Náttúra fund; a nature awareness organization for which Björk played a benefit concert alongside Sigur Rós this past summer. So, if you are in possession of a credit card, try and buy this one. In the meantime, here is the video.

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